Category Archives: Being Successful at Continuing Education

3 Hour FREE CE on Mold & Common Sense – Thurs. Oct. 5th

Can you answer the following questions your insured may ask?

(1) My washer hose broke last night and now my home smells moldy, do I have mold growing?

(2) I can see mold on my wall, do I need to have it tested?

(3) Why does the mold on my wall keep coming back after I spray it with bleach?

(4) Do I have mold inside my walls?

3 Hour FREE CE on Mold & Common Sense - Thurs. Oct. 5thThursday Oct. 5th, 1-4pm, Jerry Winkley will address these questions and many more with common sense, good science, and 30+ years of experience. This class is brought to you by ServiceMaster Quality Cleaning, Global Collision Centers, and Gary Wilbert Roofing. The course is “Mold– Answers To A Growing Question” (KS CE#993547).

Join us at the ServiceMaster Quality Cleaning training center, 438 N. Ohio Ave.

Sign up ASAP & RSVP (if possible) to or call 316-983-SPOT (9834) (or just show up and hope we can make room for you, no promises).

CE Class Reviews…See What We’ve Been Up To!

We’ve been busy lately with all sorts of great, informative Continuing Education classes! Check out some of the reviews below from some of our satisfied attendees.

Clarissa R.
Jerry is very informative and entertaining.

Virginia A.
I learned a lot about the “real” concerns about the presence of mold…..I will be better prepared to have an educated conversation with an insured that has concerns.

Deborah S.
Very good info to pass on. I enjoyed it….

Reggie S.
Liked it….Ethics are the foundation of what our company stands on and word of mouth is our greatest advertising.

Bernard S.
It’s always good to be remind[ed] the way we should handle ourselves.

Larissa S.
Educated me to present this information to others in the office.

Denny T.
Good information….

Have Jerry Winkley come and teach a Continuing Education class at your place of business! Check out our class list here or fill out the short form to get in touch with Business by Design today.

Making Sales Happen Through CE

Research claims that most people fear speaking in public more than they fear death. Many sales professionals avoid C.E. (continuing education classes) because (1) they’re afraid they will have to teach the class, or (2) they’ve had a bad experience or heard about a bad experience with C.E.

Continuing Education classes are very effective in building relationships of trust and credibility…as long as you follow the designs of success, and they can be very affordable to pull together if planned and executed with the principles we teach. Continuing Education classes can also be effective joint efforts, market-wide efforts between ServiceMaster owners from different businesses….you might surprise yourself at how well you can work with other businesses and their sales staff if you follow the designs for success.

Business By Design provides a variety of classes and topics for C.E. and can also coach you on how to prepare before an event, how to deliver your message to the right customers, how to execute the event on an affordable budget, and how to follow up properly after the event.

If you’re already doing regular Continuing Education classes, discuss with Jerry how to improve your results. If you’re not doing Continuing Education, look at some of the topics C.E. Business By Design provides and contact us about starting plans for a future class. Marketing and serving a meal is not enough in today’s competitive marketplace. Learn the designs of success for creating and hosting events that generate work through repeat job referrals for years to come.